1. This was a ryden and joncer fic. Ryan and Spencer get jobs on like a cruise ship? and Brendon and Jon are like celebrities and best friends and are on the ship. Ryan gets assigned to Brendon's room and Spencer to Jon's. Joncer happens fairly quickly but ryden takes a little while. pretty sure it was
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This upcoming Friday, my family and I are moving. The internet will be cut off Thursday, and it could take a week or two to get the internet at our new house
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any fics where one of the boys is all scared and a virgin and the other is really slutty and eventually they get together in the end :) bonus if incest
I'm looking for cutesy High School (college as well... well any school xD) falling in love stories. :3 I've been in the mood for sickening sweetness. Any pairings will do, but I prefer Brencer. C:
Please no genderswaps though.. they annoy me... :/
'Kay guys, it's me again. Could you please help me find all stories of Jon/Spencer where either of them are mute or deaf? Or any Dallon Weekes/ Ian Crawford fics, I've kind of fond of them:) I honestly don't mind Ryan/Brendon fics either but I want it focused on Jon/Spencer. Can help me find me all fics based off of movies, catholic school (dirty
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Can I pretty please have any and all Ryan/Spencer highschool sweetheart fics? AU or not, gendeswap/gendefuck/kinky or whatever you like, just give me them all! Hell, I'll even take het if you'll spare some :PPPPP
But would anyone have links to High School AUs with MCR cameos/in the background, or better yet in a prominent role? Ryden or Joncer only, please, but anything goes for background MCR shippings. (But of course, Frerard and Ray/Bob and preferred!) Thanks! :D
Looking for highschool fics. Not just that they're in high school, but it takes place in an actual school. Boarding, catholic, public, ect. Any pairing with out Ryan is better, but the if he is in one that's fine
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